Conformity assessment procedures according to machinery directive 2006/42/EC
Source: DGUV Test
Which conformity assessment procedures are possible or required according to the EC Machinery Directive depends on whether the machine or the safety component comes under Annex IV of the Directive.
The latter lists products viewed as being especially dangerous. For these types of machinery, a notified body must be brought in according to EC machinery directive 2006/42/EC, if there is no harmonised standard covering all of the essential health and safety requirements and / or the machinery is not manufactured in accordance with those standards. The DGUV Test testing and certification bodies will be happy to advise you on this issue.
In addition, the GS mark or DGUV Test mark can be affixed to any machine provided that a type test at one of our testing and certification bodies shows that the machine meets the requirements of the Product Safety Act (Produktsicherheitsgesetz, abbreviated as "ProdSG").