completed 01/1997
Electrical accidents can lead to irregular heart beats and heart chamber fibrillation. Goal: acquiring knowledge of the electrical processes in the cell membrane of the heart muscle
Computer simulation of the electrical processes in the cell membrane of the heart muscle cell which is modelled as a 1-dimensional cable equation; drawing up a programme for the numerical simulation of the mathematical model, verification of the programme, visualisation of the results, extensive test calculations and parameter variations
Description of a complete numerical model of the cell chain with extensions for simulation of the intercalated disks; comparison of the calculated potential and current distribution for passive membranes with analytical solutions; action potentials will be calculated for a cell chain with 15 individual cells, external stimulation thresholds determined and the propagation rate relative to intercalated disk resistance established.
Medizinisch-Technischer Bericht 1997. Best.-Nr.: IK1. Berufsgenossenschaft der Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik, Köln
electrical engineering
Type of hazard:electrical hazards
Catchwords:Gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen und Störungen, physikalische Faktoren, Unfall
Description, key words:Irregular heartbeats caused by electrical accidents