Exposure database MEGA

Graphical display

Histogram of alveolar dust concentrations measured in MGU from 1972 to 2014
Source: IFA

IFA's exposure database "Measurement data relating to workplace exposure to hazardous substances" (Messdaten zur Exposition gegenüber Gefahrstoffen am Arbeitsplatz" in German) - MEGA is a compilation of data gathered through atmospheric measurements and material analyses. These data provide information on

  • the industrial workplace
  • the working and manufacturing methods
  • the substances used
  • the protective measures
  • the exposure situation
  • the conditions of sampling and chemical analysis.

Data on hazardous chemicals have been compiled in the database since 1972. For a few fields, early archived data were recorded later and measurement values are available here starting from 1962. Since 1998 the documentation includes also data on biological working agents. The MEGA data pool is available to the participating institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention to solve problems of various nature: prevention, epidemiological issues, retrospective considerations in connection with suspected substance-related occupational diseases, determination of pollutant exposure reflecting the state of the art at specific workplaces.

Data pool at the end of 2023

  • Number of data records: 3.87 million from over 1.235 million samples
  • Number of analysed substances:
    • 950 hazardous chemicals
    • 930 biological working agents
  • Number of companies: 77,640
    • 870 sectors
    • 5,190 industrial workplaces
    • 37,740 combinations of sectors and workplaces

There is no direct access for bodies other than those of the institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention.


The MEGA exposure database is maintained and evaluated for the institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention by Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA, Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance).


Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA)
Abteilung Expositions- und Risikobewertung
Alte Heerstr. 111
53757 Sankt Augustin


+49 30 13001-3135

+49 30 13001-3134

+49 30 13001-3133

+49 30 13001-3132

Institutions for statutory accident insurance:
Please send evaluation requests to