GESTIS Biological Agents Database

Hazardous substance information system of the German Social Accident Insurance

Logo of GESTIS

Open database


The GESTIS Biological Agents Database contains information for safe activities with biological agents at the workplace, e.g. the required technical, organisational and personal protection measures in the case of specific activities in laboratories, biotechnology and the husbandry of laboratory animals. It also supplies information on important properties of the various biological agents, e.g. their occurrence and pathogenic properties. It contains data on about 19500 biological agents. Information on activities in other sectors where biological agents may possibly occur (so-called "non-specific" activities, e.g. litter service or waste water industry) can be found in non-specific activity data sheets.

Project partners

The GESTIS Biological Agents Database is a joint project of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the raw materials and chemical industry (BG RCI) and the Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS).


The GESTIS Biological Agents Database is compiled and managed by the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA). The biological agent data sheets are issued by acknowledged experts on behalf of the BG RCI.

Usage and liability

The information may be used for the purpose of workers' protection, or to gain knowledge about risks emanating from biological agents. Commercial use as well as a partial or complete transfer to other information systems is not permitted. Online publication of pdf files of downloaded substance data sheets is also not permitted, as these will not be up-to-date after a short time. There are no objections against citing of data to a limited extent giving the source "GESTIS Biological Agents Database". Linking of GESTIS substance datasheets in websites and apps is explicitly desired and does not require special permission. The data of GESTIS database are compiled and updated carefully. Nevertheless, we cannot accept any liability, on whatever legal grounds.


Information on the accessibility status of the GESTIS substance database is provided in the accessibility declaration.


Dr Susanne Zöllner
Dr Laura Becker
Dr Caroline von Oppen

Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA)
Abteilung Expositions- und Risikobewertung
Alte Heerstr. 111
53757 Sankt Augustin