completed 12/2008
At this point in time, no known classification exists of workplaces with regard to employees with reduced performance. Model workplaces exist for rehabilitation measures with a medical and occupational focus. These were designed for the purpose of personal training and are not suitable for demonstration of ergonomic design measures and technical aids relating to impaired performance. With reference to typical physical and mental requirements for the performance of tasks, a system of workplace types is first to be developed. Design solutions for persons with reduced performance are to be developed for relevant workplace types. Based upon the results, selected model workplaces are then to be created at the BGAG - Institute Work and Health.
- Literature study/evaluation - Development of the workplace classification - Development of design solutions - Setting up of an initial model workplace
The results of this project have been incorporated into the "IGAcheck" project. Once the IGAcheck has been completed, the creation of specific profiles for selected workplace types with reference to the classification system is planned.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:questions beyond hazard-related issues
Catchwords:less performing workers, workplace design, rehabilitation
Description, key words:Classification of workplaces with regard to employees with reduced performance, basis for typical requirements for tasks (physical, mental), measures for adaptation and optimization of workplaces for employees with reduced performance, creation of model workplaces (ergonomic design and technical aids)