completed 03/2009
In 2005, accident prevention regulation BGV A2 was issued. Its purpose was to assure supervision, particularly of small businesses, by OSH professionals and company physicians. BGV A2 has the function of enhancing employers' own responsibility for occupational safety and health and of improving OSH and health protection within businesses. In the majority of cases, the employer may choose between "alternative supervision", which is possible for businesses with up to 50 employees, and "standard provision", which does not involve set deployment times of the OSH professional and the company physician and is possible for businesses with up to 10 employees. The alternative mode of supervision, also termed the "employer model", consists of training lasting one or more days, followed in some cases by a course of distance learning. Through it, the employer is to acquire the skills needed to determine the risks and exposures faced by his employees himself, and where necessary to consult an OSH professional or company physician. Each BG has its own BGV A2; their core content is however very similar. All BGs and one public-sector accident insurer were called upon by the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) to evaluate the BGV A2 within five years of its entry into force and to report upon their experience with it. The objective of evaluation is now to review the success of the BGV A2's implementation among its target groups, to determine the impact upon occupational safety and health and health protection, and if necessary to formulate proposals for improvements and adaptation.
15 of the 25 German statutory accident insurance institutions for trade and industry, together with one public-sector statutory accident insurance institution, commissioned an evaluation by the Institute for Work and Health (BGAG) of the German Social Accident Insurance. For this purpose, the BGAG developed a uniform, scientific procedure. The target group of the survey was a randomly selected group of employers. A formula was used to calculate the size of the required random sample. A questionnaire was drawn up based upon the evaluation criteria of the "Organization of occupational safety and health" expert committee (FA ORG) and adapted where necessary to the wishes and needs of the accident insurance institution concerned. An analysis was first conducted following introduction of the measure. The data were obtained either by post or by means of a standardized interview conducted by the labour inspectors with the employers. The completed questionnaires were returned to the BGAG and the data recorded there electronically. The returned forms were evaluated at the BGAG. The emphasis lay upon the description of frequencies and mean values. More detailed evaluations were performed where appropriate. The results were then interpreted and discussed. Recommendations for action were issued as appropriate for improved implementation of the new supervision concepts. Finally, a results report was produced which was agreed in consultation with the accident insurance institution.
The new arrangements (regular supervision with up to ten employees; alternative supervision) enable the implementation of risk assessments in small companies to be improved; the results for performance and documentation of the risk assessment and also for implementation of the measures derived from it have predominantly been good to very good. The new forms of supervision promote the motivation of the employer to conduct OSH measures.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:questions beyond hazard-related issues
Catchwords:evaluation, health and safety management, legal provisions
Description, key words:evaluation; accident prevention regulation BGV A2, alternative supervision, standard supervision, supervision by OSH professionals and company physicians