completed 12/2001
The project was aimed to optimise and extend the internet-based information system on research into occupational safety and health, which had been developed in the context of a forerunner project. Methods of information retrieval and data evaluation as well as search functions within the system have been developed further and put into practice.
The original concept of the Internet information system has been updated with respect to the workflow, data structure and information categories, input tools, and guidelines on collection and evaluation of data. The search functionality has been evaluated and improved in accordance with users' needs. OSH research information resources on particular subjects, for example musculo-skeletal disorders, have been added. Special attention has been paid to data maintenance. Manual review has been supplemented by automatic tools in order to keep the content of the site up to date.
Up-to-date information on research into occupational safety and health conducted at European and international level and in countries outside the EU is available online through the network established by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Subjects covered are institutions, funding, projects and publications, in particular in relation to the subjects of stress at the workplace, musculo-skeletal disorders and changing work environments.
Further informations:
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:-various
Catchwords:Informationssystem, Prävention
Description, key words:internet, information system, research, safety and health protection at work