The project intends to describe the job demands of new kinds of organization in interlinked digitalized work as they are perceived by employees of different ages, in comparison with the characteristics of human-centered work design (DIN EN ISO 6385). These demands are of interest as they are, and as they are desired by employees.
The methods of the investigation and the contents of the questionnaires and workshops applied are based on an analysis of international research reports as to the characteristics of human-centered work, the demands of flexible, interlinked, digitalized work, the characteristics of performance and learning of elderly employees, as well as the characteristics of learning by doing, and its prerequisite i.e. the job design promoting learning. The selected, evaluated questionnaires were applied online (n1 = 268); n2 = 23 employees participated in the workshops. The random sample of employees in different German administrative offices offers statistically valid results.
Essential results are:
Continuing this project will develop, evaluate and launch a viable and transferable generic method of learning on the job – based on a solid approach of life-long learning especially in human-centered information-processing jobs – even for the elderly.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:qualification/basic and further training
Catchwords:qualification, education, didactics etc., work and age, education
Description, key words:vocationally experience, elders, learning
The project will be continued at the beginning of 2023. Report on the research project as of 30.06.2022: