completed 02/2013
Aim of the project is the advancement of the analysing tool BAGAB, which was developed in Project FP-0283 "Development of a method for exposure assessment of service tasks including customer contact and work-related psycosociel stress to derive improvement measures": - Broadening the application area of the developed tool to other administrative branches within customer interactions - Providing a manual for re-design of deficient work situation and its evaluation - Identification and integration of possible specific regional or structural sources of stress into the developed tool - Development of a training concept for the application of the tool, the deduction of design measures and their implementation
- Testing of the modified BAGAB in insurance and financial institutions - Testing of the BAGAB to urban administrations in the Old Federal States to identify specific regional or structural sources of stress and if necessary modification - Development of the manual cooperation with health and safety officers and executive managers - Testing and evaluation of the manual in cooperation with health and safety officers and executive managers - Development of a training concept based on the manual - Testing of the training concept in cooperation with health and safety officers and executive managers
The BAGA-B (Beobachtungsinterview zur Ableitung von Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für die Arbeit mit Bürgerkontakt) is a tool for an objective workplace psychological risk assessment of administrative jobs with customer interaction, such as in public administration. The BAGA-B meets international standards (e.g. ISO 10075-2, ISO 6385). It is a well-founded, practicable, and scientifically validated method. It allows practitioners as well as non-psychologists, based on the evaluation of the current situation to date specific opportunities for improvement (see also project FP 283). The project at issue investigated BAGA-B's applicability in all states and regions of Germany as well as for the psychological risk assessment in other industry branches with client-contact. It was confirmed that the BAGA-B is generally applicable in East and West German states and regions. However, for a workplace psychological risk assessment in the financial and insurance industry, the BAGA-B needs to be modified to cover all important psychological risks of the workplaces. As a result of the given project, a first version of the tool BAGA-K (Beobachtungsinterview zur Ableitung von Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für die Arbeit mit Kundenkontakt) was presented. The following tools were developed and successfully tested delivering practitioner’s assistance: 1. A guidance document (‘manual’) to guide the psychological risk assessment with BAGA-B and the redesign of stressing work situations, and 2. A complete training course on the BAGA-B, that provides advice and information on how to select, to perform and to evaluate suitable job redesign measures.
Type of hazard:mental stress factors
Catchwords:mental strain/stress
Description, key words:working process, customer contact, service sector