completed 10/2004
Chemosensorical effects of compounds are insufficienty studied not allowing reliable risc assessment and setting limit values. Four representative compounds are investigated using all suitable measuring/detecting/judgeing procedures; comparison and evaluation of procedures and results.
Definition of effects on eye, nose, airways and autonomic functions; finding out limits of odour and irritation by psychophysical tests, dynamical olfactometry in short time exposition and exposition for four hours in an exposition chamber.
The network project closes a gap in the research on irritative effects of workplace substances with its results concerning 1. Development of a multistep research procedure providing (a) an effective screening of substances and (b) separate measuring of irritative effects and odour annoyance 2. Examination of odour annoyance and irritations in human experiments with work related exposure levels, 3. Supply of qualitiy assured data for local irritants previously lacking of information, 4. Improvement to former state of information by means of objective and more accurate methodologies of measuring.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:work-related health hazards
Catchwords:chemical working substances, exposure, test method
Description, key words:irritative, inconvenience causing effects of dangerous compounds, inconvenience, impairment, testvalidation