Validation and standardization of a ger-man version of the „Burn Specific Health Scale“ questionnaire / Evaluation of an ICF-based rehabilitation program for burn injured patients

Project No. FF-FR 0381




The aim of the study is the transcultural adaptation and validation of the BSHS-B questionnaire for german speaking countries, to receive an universal burn-specific evaluation instrument. This instrument presents further more the pre-requisite for the following main-study “Evaluation of an ICF-based rehabilitation program for burn injured patients”.


The german version of the BSHS-B questionnaire will be generated via established forward- and back-translation methods and will be proved in a field test setting with a small patient collective. A test-retest-reliability-analysis is following. The gained version will be compared with other established questionnaires, which will be send to all burn patients of the last 3 years. A return rate of 300 questionnaires is calculated for statistical evaluation.

Last Update:

17 Aug 2015


Financed by:
  • Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e. V. (DGUV)
Research institution(s):
  • BG Unfallklinik Ludwigshafen
Description, key words:

Burn Spezific Health Scale, ICF, burn injury