completed 04/2014
- Improving the treatment of severely burnt persons by developing a new procedure for the generation of autologous transplants with maximum area expansion with the use of micro-tissue particles. - The approach pursued should facilitate the achievement of high expansion rates of autologous split-skin for covering extensive defects by using minimal unharmed skin areas and, at the same time, ensure a quick healing process with good functional and aesthetic results.
The wound healing of third-degree burn wounds was examined after treatment by transplantation of expanded, autologous split-skin on the basis of micro-tissue particles in in-vivo-tests. The objective was to determine important development requirements for compiling a technical concept. Possible solution concepts for the technical implementation were studied prototypically in parallel.
Important results with respect to medical problems as well as technical requirements could be obtained within the scope of the project by means of methodical tests of different influencing factors. The results show that the principle of micro-tissue particles as a method for covering defects in case of burn injuries is extremely suitable and facilitates improved treatment of extensive burns. The analysis for optimum manifestation of the parameters tested for developing the micro-tissue particle transplants as well as the findings of prototypical tests of possible solution principles form the basis for compiling and implementing a technical concept in continuative works. The following statements could be made as regards the development parameters - particle size, expansion and position. Particles, which are transplanted in an inverse position, can adhere reliably irrespective of their size. However, a significantly reduced adhesion rate under complex wound conditions can be seen for 3 mm particles. As regards the expansion, a quicker, sooner wound closure as well as a significantly improved scar pattern can be achieved for 1 mm particles in expansions of 1:12 as against 3 mm particles of the 1:12 expansion. As compared to 3 mm particles of the 1:3 expansion, a similar result can be seen, but a more homogenous scar pattern in particular. It can be assumed that a reduction in the particle size can offset the disadvantages of larger expansions with high particle sizes proportionately, but not completely. Moreover, it can be seen that the regularity of the particle arrangement represents an important factor for improving the scar pattern irrespective of the selected parameters. Taking into consideration the results of the transplantation experiments that were achieved, the selection of a technical method depends on the development of a suitable expansion method for a regular expansion in correct position. Different concepts are being tested at present in this regard. For separating the split-skin, a separation using laser is favoured at present since a reliable automatic cutting process of such small particles is possible only to a limited extent in accordance with the current development status. In addition, the laser technology allows easy scaling of the technology for smaller particle sizes.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:-various
Description, key words:cutaneous microtissue particles, thermal injuries