completed 10/1997
Specific strain reactions must be determined and evaluated in the framework of occupational medical prevention/monitoring for the early objectifying of the health consequences of occupational exposure to organic solvents. The evaluation is problematic because the strain reactions (health complaints, feeling unwell, poor performance) are non-specific, fluctuate over time and vary from individual to individual. Goal: Determination of a dosage/exposure-effect/reactions relation between low dosage range exposure to solvents and certain neuropsychological variables; further development and testing of a psychometric test battery which can be employed in occupational medical practice which, as the totality of specific markers, correlates with the neurotoxic effect of organic solvent mixtures.
Study (cross sectional and follow-up after 2 years) with approximately 400 workers exposed to solvents (printers, painters/varnishers, metal workers, workers exposed to styrene); use, further development and optimisation of ANES.
Generally values were clearly below the limit values. Diagnosis, in the framework of occupational medical screening of workers exposed to solvents, should be extended via standardised investigations of health complaints and feelings of ill health which are suitable as indicators of a risk to health through exposure to solvents.
Final report (PDF, 1.0 MB, non-accessible) "Arbeitsmedizinische Feldstudie zum Einsatz des "Arbeitsmedizinisch-Neurotoxischen Evaluierungssystems (ANES)" im Rahmen von betriebsärztlichen Vorsorgeuntersuchungen bei Lösungsmittel-exponierten Beschäftigten (Heidelberger ANES-Studie)"
Dietz et al.: Follow-up study to evaluate possible early neurotoxic effects in low-dose solvent-exposed workers. 25th International Congress on Occupational Health, Stockholm, 15.-20.09.1996
Dietz et al.: Einsatz des Arbeitsmedizinisch-Neurotoxischen Evaluierungs-Systems (ANES) zur Früherkennung Lösungsmittel-assoziierter Effekte im Rahmen einer Längsschnittstudie. Arbeitsmed. Sozialmed. Umweltmed. 34 (1999) Nr. 5, S. 185-193
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:Lösungsmittel, Arbeitsmedizinische Vorsorge, Messverfahren
Description, key words:standardised registration of physical complaints and discomfort, indicators for neurotoxic health risks due to solvent exposure