completed 09/1998
In the majority of fatal forklift truck accidents the driver was injured by the overturning forklift truck. The EU machine directive and the directive covering the use of work equipment provide measures for the protection of the driver in an overturning forklift truck. One option is fixing the driver to his seat (harnessing system, abbreviation RHS). Goal: selection, development and testing of a harnessing system which is suitable in practice for forklift truck drivers, which protects them from injury, in event of an overturning forklift truck.
Calculation and simulation of the overturn sequence; investigation of causes of overturn, overturn sequence and movement behaviour of the driver under test conditions as close to practise as possible; derivation of RHS concepts; development, construction and testing of prototypes and, if applicable, existing systems.
Taking into account the three different causes of overturn (centrifugal force, load, track) an effective RHS always requires acceleration as well as overturn angle sensors for activation (e.g. belt tightening). Acceptance of the belt and the developed prototype clip-release were not investigated further as the corresponding EU-directive came into force as of 5th December 1998. The test rig will be employed for further examinations and tests.
Elbracht, D.; Weiner, U.: Rückhaltesysteme für Gabelstaplerfahrer. Hebezeug und Fördermittel 37 (1997) Nr. 6, S. 237-240
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:mechanical hazards
Catchwords:Unfall, Transport und Verkehr, Sicherheitstechnik
Description, key words:Special devices are necessary in order to prevent injury to forklift truck drivers, a two-point belt (lap-belt) is inadequate.