completed 04/1998
Economic, political and demographic developments require greater customer orientation of preventative services, the key innovations of which lie in co-operational management, knowledge integration and media-supported communication. For this reason a joint project entitled "Key Innovations for Preventative Services of the Future in Work and Health Protection" will be carried out with the support of the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology in diverse working packages. Goal: determining the assessment of work and health protection from the point of view of the management, in particular weak-points, from which the requirements for future orientated and new preventative services offers can be derived.
Survey (with questionnaire), extensive interviews, discussions amongst experts, elaboration of recommended actions
Statistical processing of answers; unstructured commentaries (expectations, wishes, ideas); desires for changes were mainly directed at the nature of regulations (impenetrable, lack of practical relevance), costs of work/health protection, individual responsibility of employees
Hemmer, E.: Arbeits- und Geundheitsschutz - Eine Unternehmensbefragung. Nr. 51 der Schriftenreihe "Kölner Texte und Thesen" des Instituts der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Deutscher Instituts-Verlag, Köln 1999
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:-various
Catchwords:Prävention, Unternehmer(in)
Description, key words:Requirements analysis for preventative services, criticism and desired innovations on the part of the employer