The Swiss Accident Insurance Fund suva publishes the Swiss occupational exposure limit values, biological tolerance values and exposure limit values for physical agents for occupational exposure. The legal basis is the “Verordnung über die Verhütung von Unfällen und Berufskrankheiten (VUV)”, Art. 50 Abs.3. The occupational exposure limit values are published with the agreement of the Swiss Commission of occupational exposure limit values (Grenzwert Kommission) at the Swiss Association of Professional Societies for Safety and Health at Work (Suissepro). Members of this MAK commission are specialists in occupational medicine and occupational hygiene and represent the universities, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Suva, the Swiss society for occupational medicine and the Swiss society for occupational hygiene.
The MAK value is defined as the maximum concentration of a chemical substance (in gaseous, vapour or particulate form) in the workplace air which generally does not have known adverse effects on the health of a healthy employee, even when the person is exposed to it for long periods, usually for 8 hours daily but assuming on average a 42 hour working week.
The Swiss Commission of occupational exposure limit values takes into consideration the following references:
The Swiss occupational exposure limit values are published every two years in German and French.
September 2012