Measurements are one means by which workplaces can be assessed. However, measurements involving hundreds of persons distributed randomly throughout Germany present major difficulties for the metrological services. Besides the high supervision overhead, the logistics of collecting the data also constitute a tremendous challenge. These difficulties increase exponentially when measurements are to be performed not merely briefly - perhaps for one day – but over several months. The test subjects face an even greater task: they must ensure that measurements are performed reliably and correctly, every day. The measurement system must therefore be designed such that it presents no significant disruption to occupational tasks and places only minor technical demands at the end of the working shift.
With the GENESIS measurement system, the IFA has created the means for measurements to be performed decentrally in campaigns on any scale.
GENESIS stands for GENeration and Extraction System for Individual expoSure. In the system, a front end (instrument) records data which are processed by a back end (data transfer system) and delivered to a database.
Particular attention was paid in the design of the system to its ease of use, in order for the participating test subjects to have to cope with as little technical overhead as possible.
The current application of the system has the function of measuring exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation during occupational activity. For this purpose, all participating test subjects are equipped with a GENESIS-UV measuring unit. This consists essentially of an electronic data logger/dosimeter and a tablet. The system is programmed to record data automatically during the relevant hours of the day. As standard, this means from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. At the end of a working week, the test subjects connect the dosimeter to the tablet. Entry of a password causes the data to be read out and transferred automatically, a process which takes only a few seconds. The data are transferred in encrypted form via mobile service or WLAN to a central database server, where they are stored and forwarded to the IFA. Up-to-date measured values are received in this way at weekly intervals from all regions in Germany, and technical faults are immediately apparent upon inspection of the data. Should no Internet or mobile connection be available at the user's location of residence or work, the data are stored on the tablet. The system can therefore also be operated fully autonomously with individual units.
Once the data have been transferred, the dosimeter can be recharged again from the tablet.
Information on GENESIS-UV